Cyber attack types to watch out for in 2018
Along with quick technical enhancements, security risks are enormous in today’s cyberspace. As per forecasts, worldwide cybercrime rates will cost 2 trillion dollars in 2019. Newer types of security threats will emerge every year. Let’s look at some of the major cyber attack types to watch...
Series on Latest Open Source Technology Trends – Topics 9 & 10
Let’s proceed to the next and, last two topics in this series. Blockchain Blockchain is a distributed digital ledger. Cryptocurrencies work upon blockchain technology. The two types of distributed ledgers are, Open (Public or Unpermissioned) – It is accessible to everyone over the network....
An effective cyber attack recovery plan for enterprises
In this digital-era of quick technical advancements, security threats are of ever-increasing concern. Cyber crime rates increase every year; so, being proactive against security risks by having an effective recovery plan in order to mitigate any loss is like a basic necessity for...
Series on Latest Open Source Technology Trends – Topics 7 & 8
The next two topics coming in this series - latest open source technology trends - are, ‘Machine learning’ and ‘Cognitive cloud’. Machine learning and AI Machine learning and ‘AI’ (Artificial Intelligence) give machines the ability to learn and improve from experiences, without the need for...
Series on Latest Open Source Technology Trends – Topic 6
The next trend we are going to talk about in- latest open source technology trends - is, ‘Containers’. Containers Containers are the technology for packaging and isolating applications with their entire runtime environment (i.e. All of the files needed to run it). Container technology packages...
Series on Latest Open Source Technology Trends – Topic 5
Let’s look at the next trend coming in latest open source technology trends, ‘XaaS’. XaaS (an acronym for ‘Anything as a Service’) XaaS is the terminology used for the technology through which a vast number of solutions and tools are delivered over the internet to its end users, rather than...
Series on Latest Open Source Technology Trends – Topics 3 & 4
The next topics we are going to cover in this series are, ‘Rust’ and ‘R programming language’. 3. Rust Systems programming language is an open source programming language used for system programming; to write systems software. Examples of system software are operating systems, utility software,...
Comparison between today’s popular virtualization tools – a quick look
In computing, virtualization refers to creating a virtual version of computing devices like servers, hardware platforms, storage devices, computer network resources, etc. Cloud computing is the technology used to deliver these virtual computing devices via the internet. To be more precise,...
Series on Latest Open source Technology trends – Topic 2
One of the other trends we found this year in open source technology is ‘Progressive Web Apps’. Progressive Web Apps (PWA) PWAs are websites which look and behave like mobile applications. They are extremely suitable in today’s mobility world. PWA has advantages of both websites as well as mobile...